Cody Jr

  • Band   /   London
  • #Rock #Pop #Indie Rock
  • Sounds like REM, Talking Heads, Dr Feelgood, Ramones, Neil Young
  • 4 verified bookings

Indication £100 - £250

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Cody Jr, Rock, Pop, Indie Rock band

Cody Jr is a dynamic indie guitar band influenced led by Californian frontman Jim with Del, Jez, and Mark. We craft original music influenced by Talking Heads, Dr Feelgood and early REM, all infused with a Neil Young electric guitar vibe and Ramones energy. Performances are a spirited mix of both originals and covers and we perform regularly at London venues including: The Good Mixer in Camden, The Hope & Anchor in Islington, Gunners Pub and The Finsbury.


She's All I Think About


I Can't Trust You


By on 22/03/2025

Cody Jr performed at our Club on 15/3/25. I was persuaded to book them by James, a tennis member at our Club, and the frontman for the band.I was slightly nervous as they were an unknown quantity to us. I needn't have worried! Cody Jr were terrific, and the 110+ audience all went home happy. Good tight band, with a mixture of their own songs and covers. Lots of dancing and lots of smiles from the audience. I would recommend them.

By on 30/12/2024

3rd Time booking Cody Jr. Great band, excellent performance and professional attitude.

By on 02/12/2024

Went really well - Cody Jr were excellent and very professional. Stayed till the end to support all the bands and made it a great night. Will book again :)


Cody Jr, Rock, Pop, Indie Rock band

Send a message if you're interested - James

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Gigstarter about Cody Jr

Cody Jr is a band from London. Cody Jr plays Rock, Pop & Indie Rock music. Cody Jr has had 4 verified bookings through Gigstarter since signing up on 08/10/2024.

The music of Cody Jr is influenced by famous acts such as REM, Talking Heads, Dr Feelgood, Ramones, Neil Young. The repetoire of Cody Jr consists of covers and own songs.

The performances of Cody Jr are well received. The average rating is 4.9 out of 5 stars, based on 4 reviews by prior bookers.

Cody Jr has a price indication of £100 - £250 for gigs. Keep in mind that things like sound equipment, travelling distance and play time typically influence the definitive price. Don't hesitate to contact the artist!